Wow! We had a busy week! We had our first test (and everyone did wonderful!!) and started Chapter 2. Chapter 2 is about integers (positive and negative numbers); Thursday we took a pretest on the computer. Today we learned about Absolute Value; find an overview of the lesson here.
Find the Challenge Problem here.
Here's a few pictures and videos to show you what we've been up to in class!
Used our online textbook (here) to fill out the Chapter 2 Glossary.
Used Quia (here) to practice Chapter 2 Vocabulary.
The online textbook (link above) is a great resource when you have a full backpack!
Worked with partners to practice Absolute Value.
Best part of Fridays! Minute To Win It, if you haven't heard about this, ask your student how they get to play! This week's game: Junk In Your Trunk!
Homework Calendar:
Monday, September 17
C2: Lesson 1C: Coordinate Plane
HW: Pg 84 #10-32 even, 38, 41
PA: 2-2 Adding Integers
HW: Pg 64 #16-54 even
Tuesday, September 18
C2: 2B: Adding Integers
HW: Pg 91 #12-28 even, 36
PA: 2-3 Subtracting Integers
HW: Pg 72 #10-32 even
Wednesday, September 19
C2: 2D: Subtracting Integers
HW: PG 97 #14-36 even
PA: Mid-Chapter Quiz
HW: None! (Corrections)
Thursday, September 20 - Miss Dees Gone
C2: Adding & Subtracting Integers
HW: Worksheet
PA: 2-4: Multiplying Integers
HW: Pg 88 #12-36 even, 49
Friday, September 21
C2: Mid-Chapter Quiz
HW: None! (Corrections)
PA: 2-5 Dividing Integers
HW: Pg 95 #14-32 even