Here's just about everything you need to know about math class this year. This is the same information that was given to you on the first day of class (that sheet you need to get signed and bring back!)
Supplies: Students will need these supplies no later than August 22, 2012.
1. 3 ring binder
2. Loose-leaf paper
3. Pencils (points will be deducted for homework completed in pen)
Students will be:
In class on time
A positive team player
Willing to try new things
Respectful of others and their property
Encouraging with their words
Grades: Grades are assessed as follows:
A >90%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F <60 o:p="o:p">60>
Grades are comprised of:
Exams and Quizzes: Students may choose to retake ONE test per quarter to try for a higher score. Before a student may retake a test, he or she must study with me after school until a minimum of one hour of tutoring has been completed.
Homework: Each assignment is worth one point per question; all work must be shown in pencil on every assignment for students to receive credit. Students will have the opportunity to correct any missed questions on homework assignments. Corrections are done on a separate sheet with all work shown and attached to the original assignment; students will earn full credit for all corrected questions. Corrections and late work will be due do by the day of the chapter exam.
Class Activities and Projects: Throughout the year, there will be activities and projects to be completed by students individually and as a cooperative group. Students will know exact expectations and have plenty of time to complete activities and projects on time.
Extra Credit: Each week there will be a challenge problem displayed (and posted on the blog) for each student to solve if wanted. The problems will be worth extra credit; points will vary based on the problem. Answers must be turned in by the end of the school day each Friday.
There will also be a few enrichment worksheets throughout each chapter for students to complete if they wish. These will be available to students to pick up and complete by the assigned day. Students may earn extra credit only if all assignments are turned in.
Tutoring: I offer tutoring most nights of the week. I ask that students let me know when they plan to stay so I can plan to be there. Tutoring can help struggling students or students wanting to adequately prepare themselves for an upcoming exam.
Detention: Students are expected to complete and turn in their assignments on time. When a student does not have an assignment to turn in they will be assigned a detention for the next school day after school until 4:00. If an assignment is not completed and turned in by the end of the detention, the student will stay the next day until the assignment is complete. Students will be responsible for remembering their detentions. Students have the opportunity to turn in their assignment before the detention; when an assignment is turned in, the student does not have to stay for the detention.
SAFE: When a student has a failing grade in math class they will be assigned SAFE. This is an after school program on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 5pm. While at SAFE, students will work on missing assignments. Students are in SAFE until their grade is satisfactory. Parents will be notified when students are required to stay. If the student is absent or fails to attend SAFE, they will have additional days required after school.
Classroom Supply Donations: If you have any extra packages of notebook paper or packages of pencils these would be greatly appreciated by the class throughout the year.
Weekly Email Updates: An email will be sent every Friday with an update on classroom activities; these will include a short summary of the week as well as a calendar of activities for the upcoming week. There will also be emails sent before tests as a reminder to study.
I look forward to a wonderful year. Feel free to contact me any time with questions or concerns.
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