Sunday, December 9, 2012

Gingerbread House

The last week of the semester we will be doing a project that involves building a gingerbread house.  We will spend one day building and then at least one day doing math with it. We will find perimeter, area, surface area, volume, and more.

I am very excited about this project. I know it will be fun for the students and a great way to review important math concepts.

I need your help to make this project possible.  We need graham crackers, icing, and candy.  If possible, I would appreciate if these items can be donated. 

Please let me know if you are able to send a box of graham crackers or a container of icing to school with your student by the end of the week. I want to make sure we have enough supplies.

Thank you for all of your help and support.

Miss Dees

Homework Calendar 12/10-12/15

Monday, December 10 

Course 2:  Problem Solving Careers - Vet Tech

Homework: Finish Worksheet

Pre-Algebra: 5-5 Multi-Step Equations and Inequalities

Homework: Pg 253 # 1-17 all

Tuesday, December 11

Course 2: ISteep Testing

Homework: Chapter 4 Study Guide

Pre-Algebra: ISteep Testing

Homework: Pg 252 #19-37 odd

Wednesday, December 12

Course 2: Test Review

Homework: STUDY!

Pre-Algebra: Test Review

Homework: STUDY!

Thursday, December 14

Course 2: Test Review

Homework: STUDY!

Pre-Algebra: Test Review

Homework: STUDY!

Friday, December 15

Course 2: Chapter 4 Test

Homework: Corrections/Missing

Pre-Algebra: Chapter 5 Test

Homework: Corrections/Missing

Contests Update!!

Missing Assignment Update

39 missing in 2nd Hour

1 missing in 3rd Hour!!!!!!

42 missing in 7th Hour
11 missing in 8th Hour

All assignments must be turned in by Friday to be counted for this contest. 
Class party will be given to the class with the least amount of missing assignments OR every class with ZERO missing assignments.

Homeroom AR Update:

21 students in our class

9 students have passed a Literacy Skills test -- THIS IS A MUST!

4 students have their AR goals --- that means 17 who have not!

 If you want breakfast on Thurs, Dec 20th you'd better be READING!!!